Monday 2 July 2012

Art Exhibition 2nd - 13th July 2012

Had the launch party today, and thank you to all who attended (and tried to attend!).  The rain was shocking, and the parking around Beeston Library for disabled people is appalling - I certainly won't be leaving the house for a few days after today!

But what a FAB start to a great exhibition.  The bubbly was flowing, smiles and laughter filled the room, and members, volunteers and supporters joined the merry throng.  There was some real interest in joining the group, which is marvellous!  We welcome those who want to come along and see if NB is for them. 

It is such a great group, I know I sometimes sound like a broken record, but no matter who joins, or leaves, the group itself is wonderfully warm and welcoming.  We all struggle in some way, so the sympathy is really empathy, and there's always a listening ear as well as someone willing to chat.  It isn't a noisy group as such, but there is a healthy balance of times of quiet and times of laughter and chatter.

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