Sunday, 23 August 2015

Summer Fun and New Acadmic Year Details

Summer Fun

Hi again folks, just to let you know that we've been meeting up for lunch over the Summer vacation occasionally.  One such event is this Wednesday 26th August from 1.30 onwards @ The Mulberry Tree Cafe in Strelley Village Hall for coffee/tea and cake, so do come and join us if you can.  Next week we have a break again, then we're meeting again @ Fusion I think, or it could be Rye in Beeston, I'll let you know soon which is the correct venue.


 New Academic Year 2015-16 Time-Table

Please find under the appropriate tab our current details for the new year.  We're still waiting for dates from Dawn Feeney and - joy of joys! - Stella Brookes is back by popular demand (we hope!).  You'll find an exciting itinerary we think  you'll love.

Alli Bennett